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Sessions and Fees

Session Times

2024 Session Times:

Thursday 10:00-12:00

2024 Playgroup Terms:

Term 1: 29 January to 28 March

Term 2: 15 April to 28 June

Term 3: 15 July to 20 September

Term 4: 7 October to 20 December


There is NO playgroup on public holidays or during school holidays.

New Members

We accept new members throughout the year and prospective members are offered a trial session to assess the suitability of our playgroup.


We have the capability to hold one two hour session in the morning and one two hour session in the afternoon each weekday.


Where a weekday morning or afternoon does not have a current session listed we may have the option to open up additional sessions when we have 7+ interested families.


If you have a child related mothers/parents/grandparents/fathers group that would like to join our playgroup as an existing sub group, please contact us to check availability.


Fees for 2024 are currently set at $45 per term per family and cover room hire.  Term fees are due the first week of term or pro rata upon joining if you join within a term


Term fees are supplemented by fundraising which is arranged by the committee and carried out by members.  All members are expected to participate in some way towards fundraising.  This covers the cost of new equipment (replacement toys etc), and consumables (art and craft supplies, tea and coffee supplies etc) and is why our term fees can remain low.

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